
Nuxt Signboard - Vue.js Supplied #.\n\nA lightweight Nuxt 3 part that takes advantage of the power of CSS computer animations to produce silky smooth signboards.\n\nInstallment.\n# if you are actually using npm.\nnpm i -D nuxt-marquee.\n\n# if you're making use of thread.\nyarn include -D nuxt-marquee.\n\n

if you're making use of pnpm.pnpm i -D nuxt-marquee.Usage.To utilize this component, add it to the elements segment of your nuxt.config.ts file.export default defineNuxtConfig( //.components: [" nuxt-marquee"],. ).Instance.

Props.Residential or commercial{-String.Split-|-}Inline type for the compartment div.class.any kind of."".Call of the css class to type the compartment div.autoFill.boolean.inaccurate.Whether to immediately fill blank area in the marquee with copies of the kids or not.action.boolean.true.Whether to play or even stop briefly the signboard.pauseOnHover.boolean.inaccurate.Whether to stop briefly the tent when floated.pauseOnClick.boolean.false.Whether to stop the tent when clicked.direction." left behind" |"straight" |"up" |"down"." left behind".The direction the marquee slides Caution: Vertical marquees are currently experimental and may be buggy. Please swap the market values of the marquee's elevation and distance when establishing all of them.velocity.number.50.Rate determined as pixels/second.delay.amount.0Period to put off the animation after make, in few seconds.loophole.amount.0The variety of opportunities the tent need to loop, 0 amounts infinite.incline.boolean.false.Whether to present the incline or not.gradientColor.cord.white.The shade of the incline.gradientWidth.number |strand.200.The width of the slope on either edge.Activities.Event Call.Summary.end.Discharged when the tent completes scrolling and quits. Simply calls if loop is actually non-zero.cycleComplete.Produced when the tent completes a loophole. Does not refer to as if optimum loopholes are reached (use onFinish rather).